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Man pinned under a truck in Saarbrücken incurs minimal damage.

A person walking gets struck and pinned down by a vehicle but seems fortunate.

An ambulance is on the road with flashing blue lights.
An ambulance is on the road with flashing blue lights.

Incident involving injury or damage - Man pinned under a truck in Saarbrücken incurs minimal damage.

A 53-year-old individual became involved in an accident with a truck on Wednesday in Saarbrücken. It was reported that the man received minor injuries. The man was walking down the street as the truck was approaching. The incident led to the man ending up underneath the truck. He was transported to the hospital for additional care. Firefighters helped remove the truck from the scene by raising it.

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The local police were informed about the traffic accident in Saarbrücken. Despite being pinned under the truck, the man's overall happiness remained surprisingly unaffected during his hospital stay. In an effort to reduce traffic accidents in Saarland, the local authorities are planning to enhance safety measures in Saarbrücken.




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