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Man nods off while roasting sausages - woken by fire department

A man's late-night hunger caused the fire department to intervene in Rosenheim: the man dozed off on Sunday night while he was roasting sausages, according to the fire department. The emergency services arrived because the smoke detectors in his apartment sounded the alarm.

A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.
A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.

Colorful - Man nods off while roasting sausages - woken by fire department

A man's late-night hunger caused the fire department to intervene in Rosenheim: the man dozed off on Sunday night while he was roasting sausages, according to the fire department. Emergency services arrived because the smoke detectors in his apartment sounded the alarm.

On site, the fire department reportedly gave the all-clear and the apartment was cleared of smoke after intensive ventilation. "However, the three sausages were no longer suitable for consumption," explained the fire department. The police initiated fine proceedings against the sleeping cook.

Read also:

  1. The incident occurred in Upper Bavaria, specifically in the city of Rosenheim, where the local fire department was called to action.
  2. Despite the colorful event, the sleepy cook might face consequences as the police initiated fine proceedings against him.
  3. The incident served as a reminder of the importance of fire safety even in leisure activities, and the fire department in Bavaria continues to promote fire safety awareness campaigns.
  4. The news of the incident in Rosenheim echoed across Bavaria, with many residents expressing their sympathy for the unlucky cook and praising the swift response of the local fire department.




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