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Man locks dogs without water on balcony

A 39-year-old leaves two dogs on the balcony during high temperatures. Due to a neighbor's concern, the fire department is called.

The fire department forced open the apartment door to rescue the dog.
The fire department forced open the apartment door to rescue the dog.

- Man locks dogs without water on balcony

In Guenzburg (Guenzburg district), a man left his two dogs on the balcony without water and in high temperatures. The fire department rescued the animals on Sunday. The emergency services had to forcefully open the door to the 39-year-old owner's apartment. The man had locked his dogs on the balcony without water for more than an hour, according to a police spokesman. The man is now being investigated for violating the animal protection law. The two dogs are now in an animal shelter. A concerned neighbor called the police after becoming worried about the animals.

In Bavaria, Guenzburg being its specific location, the incident of animal cruelty garnered attention. The neglectful owner of the dogs, hailing from Guenzburg, is under investigation.

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