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Man injured in attack on street

On Saturday night, a man was attacked and injured by strangers in Ludwigshafen. According to the police, a man first punched the 39-year-old in the head several times. A short time later, the stranger returned with another man. One of the attackers injured the victim's thigh with an unknown...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.

Act of violence - Man injured in attack on street

On Saturday night, a man was attacked and injured by strangers in Ludwigshafen. According to the police, a man first punched the 39-year-old in the head several times. A short time later, the stranger returned with another man. One of the attackers injured the victim's thigh with an unknown sharp object. The 39-year-old suffered superficial stab wounds and cuts. The two attackers fled to a nearby hotel and eventually escaped. The reasons behind the attack were initially unknown.


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