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Man in Oberkirch threw knives at officers

Fatal Police Action in the Ortenau: A doctor alerted officers about a man in a psychiatric crisis. Then shots were fired. Investigators now reveal more details.

A 39-year-old man was shot by police - he was reported to have threatened officers.
A 39-year-old man was shot by police - he was reported to have threatened officers.

- Man in Oberkirch threw knives at officers

Fatal Police Shootings in Oberkirch (Ortenaukreis)

A 39-year-old man was reportedly killed by police shots in Oberkirch (Ortenaukreis) after allegedly throwing a knife towards the officers. He then approached the police with a second, previously hidden knife in a threatening manner, according to the Landeskriminalamt (LKA), police, and the public prosecutor's office. Despite repeated orders to drop the knife, the man continued to threaten the officers, at which point they opened fire. The exact number of shots fired and how many hit the man is still under investigation. An autopsy was planned for today, but results will likely not be released until later.

Doctor Calls Police

A doctor alerted the police on Wednesday after the 39-year-old man threatened to take his own life over the phone in the late afternoon. Several patrol cars were dispatched to the man's apartment in a multi-family building. Upon entering the locked door, police found the man in a state of mental distress, bleeding and holding a knife. Despite immediate medical intervention, he died at the scene from his injuries.

The man had a criminal record, including multiple acts of violence and violations of the Narcotics Act. Initially, there were concerns about a potential threat to others during the incident.

Investigation into Police Shooting

The LKA Baden-Württemberg and the public prosecutor's office in Offenburg are investigating the use of firearms, a standard procedure following police shootings. Police officers are only permitted to use their service weapons as a last resort. Whether the principle of immediate coercion was applied is decided by the respective police officer on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the principle of proportionality.

In the immediate aftermath of the doctor's call, police officers were dispatched to the man's apartment due to his threats. Subsequently, a police shooting occurred after the man charged at officers with a knife.

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