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Man harasses plainclothes federal policewoman

A 40-year-old man harasses a woman at Munich Central Station. It was a female federal police officer in plain clothes. When he tries to flee, she pursues him and detains him.

A 40-year-old man harassed a plainclothes officer at Munich Central Station. (symbolic photo)
A 40-year-old man harassed a plainclothes officer at Munich Central Station. (symbolic photo)

Crime - Man harasses plainclothes federal policewoman

A 40-year-old man is accused of harassing a woman at Munich's main station - this woman was a civil servant with the Federal Police. The man reportedly made her "ambiguous compliments" towards her on a Thursday and grabbed her from behind. When he tried to flee, the undercover officer took up the pursuit and detained him until uniformed colleagues arrived.

When the officers took him to the station, he insulted them and attempted to hit a Federal Police officer with his head. On Thursday morning, he is also said to have harassed passengers and threatened a railway employee. An investigation has been launched against the man, among other things, for sexual harassment, threats, and insults. The man was reportedly brought before a remand judge on Friday. However, a spokesperson for the Federal Police could not say on Friday whether the judge had ordered his detention.

The suspect, while in custody at the central station, continued his disruptive behavior towards the Federal Police officers. Despite being in Bavaria, the man had a history of committing similar crimes in other cities. Upon arrival at the station, the woman from the Federal Police identified him as the man who had harassed her at Munich's main station.

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