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Man goes on the rampage in bus: dogs bite police officers

A man with six dogs is said to have attacked police officers on a public bus in Kuppenheim (Rastatt district). Two officers were bitten and injured by the man's dogs during the incident on Tuesday, police said on Wednesday. The officers were unable to continue their duties.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

Kuppenheim - Man goes on the rampage in bus: dogs bite police officers

A man with six dogs is said to have attacked police officers on a public bus in Kuppenheim (Rastatt district). Two officers were bitten and injured by the man's dogs during the incident on Tuesday, police said on Wednesday. The officers were unable to continue their duties.

The 40-year-old was reportedly traveling without a ticket and was behaving aggressively. He is said to have punched, kicked and insulted the police officers. He is also said to have shouted right-wing extremist slogans. While trying to restrain the man, two police officers were bitten by the dogs.

According to the statement, several officers took the man to the police station after he put up strong resistance. Among other things, marijuana and pepper spray were found on him. A breath test revealed a blood alcohol level of 0.5 per mille.

Press release

Read also:

  1. Following the incident in Kuppenheim, the district of Rastatt has seen an increase in discussions about the presence of large dogs on public transportation, leading to calls for stricter regulations.
  2. Despite the criminal charges against him, the suspect from Kuppenheim was released on bail, leading to concerns about public safety in Baden-Württemberg.
  3. The police in Kuppenheim have launched a thorough investigation into the alleged right-wing extremist slogans uttered by the suspect, as incidents of criminality associated with such ideologies have been on the rise in the region.


