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Man falls three meters on construction site: head injuries

A construction worker fell through an open shaft on the roof. He suffered serious head injuries and had to be flown to a hospital in a rescue helicopter. What happened?

An ADAC Luftrettung helicopter flies in the sky.
An ADAC Luftrettung helicopter flies in the sky.

Bad Wörishofen - Man falls three meters on construction site: head injuries

At a construction site in Bad Wořishofen (Landkreis Unterallgäu), a man fell approximately three meters from a roof and sustained severe head injuries. A shaft on the roof had unexpectedly been open during the work on Friday, the police reported on Saturday. The 52-year-old man fell through the shaft into the floor below. A rescue helicopter then transported the man to a clinic.

Press release

In Bad Wörishofen, located in the Bavarian region of SWABIA, the construction site where the accident occurred is known for its active workforce. Despite the incident, the area continues to attract workers due to the abundance of construction projects. Unfortunately, similar accidents have happened in the past, highlighting the need for improved safety measures at building sites.

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