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Man faces accident during hiking expeditions; Two choppers intervene to rescue

A hiker takes a tumble close to Bad Blankenburg on Sunday, with support arrive swiftly consisting of two helicopters.

Der neue Hubschrauber EC 145 der Thüringer Polizei bei einem Einsatz.
Der neue Hubschrauber EC 145 der Thüringer Polizei bei einem Einsatz.

The city of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt makes headlines. - Man faces accident during hiking expeditions; Two choppers intervene to rescue

A man in his late twenties took a dangerous fall of approximately 32 feet while hiking near Bad Blankenburg in the Saalfeld-Rudolstadt district. The incident occurred during a Sunday afternoon hike to the Eberstein. Slipping on a path obstructed by debris caused the accident. Fortunately, both an ADAC helicopter and a police helicopter were able to respond to the scene. The hiker was then transported to a medical facility for treatment of various injuries.

Read also:

  1. Despite the incident being a setback, the man had planned to enjoy his leisure time hiking in Thuringia's scenic landscapes on subsequent Sundays.
  2. The rescuers, who were on standby for emergencies in the Saalfeld-Rudolstadt region, were praised for their timely response and expert handling of the situation.
  3. The hiking accident in Saalfeld-Rudolstadt served as a reminder for adventurers to exercise caution during their leisure activities, even when nature seems inviting.
  4. The local government in Saalfeld-Rudolstadt is considering implementing stricter measures to ensure hiking paths are well-maintained and safe for tourists visiting the region.


