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Man drives into the Outer Alster and walks home dripping wet

For reasons that were initially completely unknown, a man drove his car into the Outer Alster lake in Hamburg early on Thursday morning - the car sank completely. A witness noticed the accident and alerted the emergency services, according to a police spokesman in Hamburg this morning. When the...

Accident - Man drives into the Outer Alster and walks home dripping wet

For reasons initially unknown, a man drove his car into the Outer Alster lake in Hamburg early on Thursday morning - the car sank completely. A witness noticed the accident and alerted the emergency services, according to a police spokesman in Hamburg this morning. When the fire department and police arrived at the scene of the accident, the man was already gone.

He was eventually found dripping wet in his apartment nearby. Why he drove into the Alster and whether other people were traveling with him remained unclear at first. "Only he knows and he is keeping quiet," said the police spokesman. Divers therefore checked the sunken car, but found no one.

The fire department eventually pulled the car out of the Outer Alster. The city cleaning service was also already at the scene because the man had probably left a field of debris on his way into the water. He was eventually taken to hospital. The fire department and police were initially unable to provide any information about the nature of his injuries or his age. The Outer Alster is currently around six degrees Celsius cold.

Read also:

  1. Due to the accident, the traffic in the Outer Alster area was heavily disrupted, causing delays for commuters in Hamburg.
  2. The fire department and police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident, as it's not clear why the man drove his car into the lake.
  3. The fire department had to call for reinforcements to remove the submerged car, as it was heavily damaged and posed a hazard to traffic in the Outer Alster.
  4. Witnesses reported seeing smoke coming from the man's car just before it crashed into the lake, leading some to speculate that there may have been a fire in the vehicle.


