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Man drives into cars while drunk: over 35,000 euros in damage

A drunk driver has damaged a total of six cars in a collision in Witten (Ennepe-Ruhr district). The 30-year-old lost control of his car when turning into a road on Saturday night, Bochum police reported on Sunday afternoon. According to the man himself, he collided with parked cars first on the...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Accidents - Man drives into cars while drunk: over 35,000 euros in damage

A drunk driver has damaged a total of six cars in a collision in Witten (Ennepe-Ruhr district). The 30-year-old lost control of his car when turning into a road on Saturday night, Bochum police reported on Sunday afternoon. According to the man himself, he collided with parked cars first on the right-hand side and then on the left-hand side of the road, said a spokeswoman for the Bochum police. He sustained minor injuries as a result. A voluntary breath test on him showed 1.5 per mille.

According to the police, the emergency services also discovered narcotics on the man. Several blood samples were taken from him. It was initially unclear exactly what kind of narcotics were involved. The police confiscated the 30-year-old's car and driving license. Another man is said to have been in the car, who is said to have fled the scene of the accident. The police estimate the damage to be over 35,000 euros.

Press release from the Bochum police

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