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Man convicted of condoning violence against police officers

A man has to pay a fine for a post on Tiktok following an attack on police officers in Trier. He had condoned the offense.

Fined for Tiktok posts after an attack on police officers
Fined for Tiktok posts after an attack on police officers

Violence against police officers - Man convicted of condoning violence against police officers

Because he supported attacks on police officers in Trier with a post on his Tiktok profile, a 29-year-old from Bavaria has been sentenced to a fine of 2,400 Euros. The sentence for incitement to crime has now become legally binding, the Amtsgericht Trier announced. The man from the Bavarian district of Freising had commented on the platform Tiktok after the attack in February 2023 at a Trier discotheque: "Unfortunately only 5 injured".

Several attackers had thrown glass bottles at the police officers on duty from a large group. They also threw a broom, a shovel, a wooden pallet, and a shopping cart in the direction of the officers. In late January, eleven involved attackers between the ages of 17 and 43 were sentenced at the Landgericht Trier. Two of them were sentenced to prison, while the others received warnings, fines, and community service.

During the attack, five police officers were injured, two of whom were injured by the police's use of pepper spray. The incident made headlines nationwide.

The 29-year-old's support for the Trier discotheque attack on police officers was expressed on Tiktok, a platform popular in Rhineland-Palatinate. Despite being from Bavaria's Freising district, his processes with the local court in Trier resulted in a 2,400 Euro fine for incitement to crime. The use of violent objects like glass bottles, brooms, and shopping carts during the attack sparked widespread concern in cities across Germany.

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