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Man breaks open ice cream vending machine and distributes it to children

A 21-year-old man breaks open an ice cream vending machine and distributes the cool sweet treat to children. What's behind this curious action?

Ice cream for everyone: In Laudenbach, a man broke open a vending machine and distributed ice cream...
Ice cream for everyone: In Laudenbach, a man broke open a vending machine and distributed ice cream to children. (symbolic photo)

Crime - Man breaks open ice cream vending machine and distributes it to children

In Laudenbach (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis), a young man broke into an ice vending machine, served himself and distributed the cold sweetness to passing schoolchildren. The peculiar action of the 21-year-old was ended by the police. A passerby reported the incident early on a Thursday morning before school started.

The police found in the man's pockets tools for breaking and entry and numerous packages of ice cream. Since the man was under the influence of drugs, the police suspect this as the background of the action.

The 21-year-old caused damage to the vending machine amounting to approximately 5,000 Euros, according to the police. He now has to reckon with a charge for grand larceny.

  1. The ice vending machine, which was located in Laudenbach, part of the Rhine-Neckar district in Baden-Württemberg, was the target of an unusual crime.
  2. Despite the sweetness of the ice candy he distributed to children, the young man's actions were considered a misdemeanor, as he had forced entry into the vending machine.
  3. The automatic machine, designed for selling ice, was found with significant damage, estimated to be around 5,000 Euros.
  4. After the incident, the 'sweet-toothed' criminal was taken into custody by the police in Baden-Württemberg and now faces charges for damaging property and grand larceny.

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