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Man breaks into apartment and stabs couple

A 42-year-old man stabs a married couple in Mannheim. Mysterious: during the investigation into the knife attack, officers find a dead senior citizen in the house. The background is unclear.

Police officers secure the crime scene.
Police officers secure the crime scene.

Mannheim - Man breaks into apartment and stabs couple

A 42-year-old man broke into an apartment in Mannheim and stabbed a married couple with a knife. The man (40) and the woman (44) suffered serious injuries, according to police and the public prosecutor's office on Christmas Eve. They were taken to hospital after the crime on Friday evening.

Police officers arrested the suspect in the couple's apartment after the crime. He is now being investigated on suspicion of attempted murder. The public prosecutor's office requested that the man be placed in a psychiatric facility. A magistrate enforced the detention order on Saturday.

In addition, a dead 73-year-old woman was found in the property. She had been reported missing in the course of the investigation into the knife attack. Officers found the lifeless woman in her apartment. The extent to which there is a connection between the attack and the discovery of the dead woman is being investigated.

The public prosecutor's office and police did not provide any further details on Sunday. Among other things, it was initially unclear whether the perpetrator and victim knew each other, what motive the 42-year-old might have had and what the relationship between the couple and the senior citizen was. A police spokesperson announced that further information would be available after the Christmas holidays.


Read also:

  1. The incident on saint's eve in Mannheim led to a woman being found dead in the apartment, adding another layer of complexity to the case handled by the local police and public prosecutor's office.
  2. The public prosecutor's office in Baden-Württemberg is currently investigating the criminal act of a man who broke into an apartment in Mannheim, stabbing a married couple and leaving a 73-year-old woman dead in her apartment.
  3. Despite the traumatic events of saint's eve in Mannheim, where a couple was viciously attacked and a senior citizen lost her life, the public prosecutor's office and police are extremely tight-lipped about the details, waiting to reveal more information after the Christmas holidays.
  4. In the wake of the gruesome christmas eve incident in Mannheim, where a man and his wife were stabbed and a woman was found dead, the public prosecutor's office in Baden-Württemberg requested that the suspect be sent to a psychiatric facility for further evaluation, while the police continue their investigation to uncover the perpetrator's motives and potential connections to the victims.


