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Man attempts to steal from a bakery using a knife - detention

Employee bravely stops attempted robbery at a bakery by interfering with thief's attempt to steal from the cash register.

A man is wearing handcuffs.
A man is wearing handcuffs.

Berlin-Friedrichsfelde: Location Description - Man attempts to steal from a bakery using a knife - detention

A 28-year-old individual attempted to rob a bakery in Berlin-Friedrichsfelde with a knife. However, a brave worker stepped in and prevented the crime from happening. The police revealed on Tuesday that the man entered the bakery and started threatening the seller, demanding her to open the cash register. In response, a 35-year-old staff member intervened by pushing the attacker outside the bakery and taking the knife away from him. The assailant escaped, but according to eyewitnesses, he left empty-handed and ran into a drugstore. There, the police tracked him down and arrested him. The 28-year-old now faces charges for extortion-enhanced robbery.

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