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Man arrested after Hitler salute - State protection determined

A drunk man did more than just yell at passersby in Prenzlauer Berg. Now, the state's protective service is investigating.

The police arrested a drunk man in Prenzlauer Berg for shouting at passersby and raising his arm in...
The police arrested a drunk man in Prenzlauer Berg for shouting at passersby and raising his arm in a Nazi salute.

- Man arrested after Hitler salute - State protection determined

A drunken man randomly shouted at passersby and repeatedly raised his arm in a Nazi salute in Prenzlauer Berg. A woman eventually called the police, as the officers reported. According to their statements, the incident occurred on Saturday evening on Finnish Street. The police arrested the man. During this, he threatened and insulted the officers and offered significant resistance.

Temporarily in police custody

The officers then used a taser, the so-called distance electro-shock device, against him. The 31-year-old, heavily intoxicated man was then temporarily taken into police custody.

After a blood test ordered by the public prosecutor's office for alcohol control, the suspect was released. The investigation into the use of unconstitutional symbols and resistance against law enforcement officers has been taken over by the State Protection department of the State Criminal Police Office.

The officers successfully arrested the drunken man, who then exhibited threatening behavior and resistance towards them. Following his arrest, the 31-year-old was temporarily kept in police custody.

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