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Man arrested after fire in apartment building

A fire engine with turntable ladder drives to an operation.
A fire engine with turntable ladder drives to an operation.

Würzburg - Man arrested after fire in apartment building

After a fire in a multi-family house in Würzburg, the police have arrested a man. Against the 38-year-old, suspicion of serious arson and attempted manslaughter was ordered, as the police announced on Thursday. A fire broke out in the house on Tuesday evening. Eight people were lightly injured by smoke inhalation. A five-person family, who were trapped in the apartment above the burning apartment, were rescued with a ladder. The fire was quickly brought under control. One apartment burned completely out.

The accused, a resident of Bavaria, is believed to have started the fire in the underbelly of the building, as revealed by the investigating police. The incident occurred in the same building where the fire in Würzburg took place, causing minor injuries and a partial collapse. Despite the police's swift actions, an entire apartment was destroyed by the flames.

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