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Man and horses harmed due to anxiety over helicopter sounds.

An ambulance drives with flashing blue lights.
An ambulance drives with flashing blue lights.

Collisions or Mishaps - Man and horses harmed due to anxiety over helicopter sounds.

One man and two horses endured injuries after an unforeseen encounter with army helicopters in Muldenhammer, Vogtlandkreis. The police informed the public on Saturday that a 48-year-old driver and a 16-year-old passenger were traveling with a horse-drawn carriage in the Hammerbrücke district the previous Friday. Without warning, two military choppers swooped in low, hovering only a few meters above the trees. The horse's fright response caused them to pull the carriage off the road, causing the vehicle to veer into a ditch. The 16-year-old quickly jumped from the carriage to avoid the same fate. However, the 48-year-old driver was thrown to the ground and both horses landed on top of him. He received body bruising, while the horses sustained undetermined injuries.

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Following the accident, local authorities in Muldenhammer, Vogtlandkreis, initiated an investigation into the incident involving the army helicopters. Despite the terrifying incident, residents of Saxony continue to report unease around aircraft, especially horses, which are known for their sensitive nature to sudden loud noises. Meanwhile, the police in the Vogtland district have released a statement urging the public to exercise caution around military aircraft and report any incidents related to animal accidents to ensure proper follow-up and precautions to avoid future mishaps.

