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Mammography screening also possible for women up to the age of 75 from July

Mammography screening for the early detection of breast cancer will also be possible for women between the ages of 70 and 75 from July 1. The entitlement ends on their 76th birthday, as announced by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) in Berlin on Wednesday. Previously, only women between the...

Woman having a mammogram
Woman having a mammogram

Mammography screening also possible for women up to the age of 75 from July

New claimants will not receive a personal invitation for now, but they can register for an appointment at central locations for a screening unit starting from July 1st. The contact details for the regional offices can be found at

When making an appointment request, the last preventive mammography should be at least 22 months prior. "With our raising of the age limit, up to three additional preventive appointments can be taken", explained Monika Lelgemann from the G-BA. She also asked for understanding that there might be some turbulence at the beginning when assigning appointments.

  1. Women in Berlin who are eligible for mammography screening due to their age (75 or above) can start booking appointments from July 1st at central locations.
  2. The German Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has raised the age limit for breast cancer screenings, allowing women to have up to three additional preventive appointments.
  3. It is important to note that in order to be eligible for mammography screening, individuals should ensure that their last preventive screening was conducted at least 22 months prior.
  4. As the G-BA implements this expanded screening program, there might be some initial confusion and delays in assigning appointments to new claimants.

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