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Major search operation for missing toddler continues

A nightmare just before Christmas Eve: your own child disappears from the family home without a trace on Advent Sunday. A large-scale search is launched for the two-year-old girl.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car during an operation.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car during an operation.

Emergencies - Major search operation for missing toddler continues

The search operation for the missing two-year-old child in Bingen near the Swabian Alb continued on Monday morning. The girl had probably left her parents' house on Sunday in an unobserved moment between 4.00 and 5.00 pm. This was announced by the police on Monday.

The child was presumably only wearing pyjamas at the time of her disappearance. The two-year-old is about 60 centimeters tall and has short, blond hair and blue eyes. The parents had given these details to the police, a police spokeswoman said.

"We are reopening the whole case and are bringing in new police officers for today's search," she said. Up to 80 police officers are to comb the entire area around the parents' house. Police helicopters and mantrailer dogs are involved in the extensive search operation.

The search in the village at the foot of the Swabian Alb by around 180 emergency services from the fire department, technical relief organization, rescue service and German Red Cross has so far been unsuccessful. Divers, sniffer dogs and a drone were also deployed.

Until last night, divers, boats and drones with a thermal imaging camera were also deployed in sub-zero temperatures. They will "pull out all the stops" to find the toddler, said a police spokeswoman.

The police are particularly concerned about the weather conditions: due to the low temperatures, the child is in great danger.

Read also:

The emergency services are working tirelessly to find the missing child, even on Saint's Eve, as the search operation enters its third day. The police have widened their search action in Bingen, Baden-Württemberg, with extra officers joining the effort. Despite the challenging weather conditions, the police remain hopeful and are using all available resources, including dogs and drones, to locate the toddler. The safety of the child is paramount, as the cold temperatures increase the urgency of the situation.




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