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Major operation in the drug scene - suspect in custody

Police and the public prosecutor's office launched a major operation against drug-related crime in Cottbus and neighboring districts on Friday. An arrest warrant was executed against a 21-year-old, as police spokesman Maik Kettlitz told the German Press Agency. The man is urgently suspected of...

A police car drives through a city.
A police car drives through a city.

Crime - Major operation in the drug scene - suspect in custody

Police and the public prosecutor's office launched a major operation against drug-related crime in Cottbus and neighboring districts on Friday. An arrest warrant was executed against a 21-year-old, as police spokesman Maik Kettlitz told the German Press Agency. The man is urgently suspected of dealing in narcotics "in not a small quantity". He is also accused of being involved in violent crimes in Cottbus.

According to Kettlitz, the man was stopped in his car in Cottbus city center and arrested. The vehicle was seized. The suspect is already known to the police.

At the same time, police officers, including members of the SEK task force, searched around 20 homes in Cottbus and the neighboring districts of Dahme-Spreewald, Spree-Neiße and Oberspreewald Lausitz. They were supported by colleagues from Berlin, Thuringia and Saxony. The searches were still ongoing late on Friday afternoon. So far, according to the police, marijuana has been seized in a first batch. The operation had been prepared for a long time.

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The operation against drug-related crime in Brandenburg, spearheaded by the police and public prosecutor's office, saw the arrest of a known suspect in Cottbus. The 21-year-old is accused of dealing in significant quantities of narcotics and violently criminal activities in Cottbus. Large-scale searches were conducted in Cottbus and neighboring counties, involving police forces from several regions. The suspect's car was seized during the operation, and marijuana was confiscated in the initial search. The detailed preparations for this operation were carried out by the forces involved.


