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Major impact expected from rail warning strike

The train drivers' union GDL is once again going on warning strike, and many trains are to be canceled again. It is possible that not only Deutsche Bahn trains will be affected.

People walk along the track with suitcases in the early morning.
People walk along the track with suitcases in the early morning.

Rhine-Main area - Major impact expected from rail warning strike

The renewed warning strike by the German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) is also expected to cause many train cancellations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. The strike will "once again have a massive impact on all German rail operations" from Thursday evening, according to a statement from Deutsche Bahn. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that the warning strike will also affect other railroad companies that are not on strike.

The Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) announced that regional trains and suburban trains would also be affected by the work stoppages from Thursday evening. The GDL had called on its members to take part in the warning strike from 10 p.m. onwards in passenger transport, and it was already scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. in freight transport. The warning strike is expected to end on Friday evening at 22:00. According to Deutsche Bahn, disruptions are to be expected even before the strike begins, as well as afterwards. An emergency timetable with greatly reduced services will apply. Travelers can postpone their trips planned for Thursday or Friday.

The Mittelrheinbahn, which operates the regional line RB 26 between Mainz and Cologne, expects severe restrictions. There will be no replacement bus services, according to the operating company Trans Regio. The rail company Vlexx assumed on Thursday that its lines would run according to the regular timetable. Employees have not been called out on a warning strike. However, if there is a strike on rail infrastructure, cancellations and delays are to be expected here too. This also applies to the lines of the rail company Vias.

A spokeswoman said on Thursday that Saarbahn was not expected to suffer any disruptions. The train drivers have their own collective agreement. However, if train drivers go on strike, this could also have an impact on certain sections of the Saarbahn line.

The German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) wants to increase the pressure in the current collective bargaining round with this action. Among other things, it wants to emphasize its demand for a reduction in working hours for shift workers.

DB on the warning strike Information RMV Information Mittelrheinbahn Information Vlexx

Read also:

  1. Despite not being directly involved in the strike, other railroad companies in Germany might experience traffic disruptions due to the warning strike by the German Train Drivers' Union (GDL).
  2. The impact of the strike is expected to extend beyond Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, potentially affecting the Mainz-Cologne regional line operated by Mittelrheinbahn.
  3. Saarbahn, despite having its own collective agreement, may be indirectly impacted if train drivers participating in the GDL strike decide to stop working on certain sections of the line.
  4. Travelers planning trips within the Rhine-Main area during Thursday and Friday should consider postponing them due to the anticipated severe disruptions caused by the warning strike.
  5. The German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) is using the warning strike as a means to put pressure on the current collective bargaining round, seeking a reduction in working hours for shift workers.
  6. The Emergency timetable with greatly reduced services will be implemented by Deutsche Bahn as a response to the warning strike in the Rhine-Main area of Germany.
  7. In Saarland, the Union of German Locomotive Drivers, a train drivers' union similar to GDL, could potentially engage in a similar strike action, resulting in further disruptions in rail traffic within the region.


