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Major contract for residential construction company from Möckern

It is a kind of prefabricated wooden building. The Swiss company Nokera wants to promote residential construction. But the factories in Jerichower Land have been quiet for a long time.

A residential building in serial timber construction by the company Nokera. The company from...
A residential building in serial timber construction by the company Nokera. The company from Jerichower Land is building more than 360 apartments in Mannheim.

Living - Major contract for residential construction company from Möckern

The housing construction company Nokera, with locations in Jerichower Land, is executing a large order in Mannheim. In total, it involves 361 new build apartments in serial timber construction, which are to be built as part of a new construction project in Baden-Wuertemberg. The production sites are reportedly the Nokera-Works in Mockern and Burg.

The Swiss company has specialized in the serial production of prefabricated ceiling and wall elements made of wood. According to their own statements, they operate the world's largest serial wood construction factory in Magdeburg. Annually, up to 30,000 housing units can be built in the factory.

According to the communal housing construction company GBG in Mannheim, the new construction project will have a total living area of 27,500 square meters, which is roughly the size of almost four football fields. The first apartments have already been built, 194 apartments are still under construction and are expected to be completed by 2025.

  1. Despite being based in Saxony-Anhalt with production sites in Magdeburg and Burg, Nokera's large order for 361 new build apartments in Mannheim falls under the jurisdiction of Baden-Württemberg's municipalities.
  2. The Scandinavian housing construction company Nokera, known for its large-scale timber construction projects, is currently engaged in a significant order that includes constructing numerous apartments in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg.
  3. The GBG communal housing company in Mannheim, who are collaborating with Nokera on the large order, announced that the construction of these 361 apartments will contribute to the city's expanding living space, with a total area of approximately 27,500 square meters, equivalent to almost four football fields.

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