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Mainz University Medical Center with a loss of around 114 million euros in 2023

Mainz University Medicine is facing major challenges, including financial ones. This is also shown by the annual result for 2023. What are the reasons for the deficit, according to University Medicine?

The entrance to the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
The entrance to the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Healthcare system - Mainz University Medical Center with a loss of around 114 million euros in 2023

The University Medical Center of Mainz incurred a loss of approximately 113.6 million Euros in the previous year. This loss is slightly lower than previously anticipated, as the University Medical Center announced on Friday. Initially, a deficit of 120 million Euros had been calculated for March. The reason for this result was missing revenues from the hospital business. In particular, fewer patients and patients were treated on the wards in the last quarter of 2023 than planned.

"The annual result for 2023 once again highlights the economic challenges," said the Supervisory Board Chairman and Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Science Clemens Hoch (SPD). "We will not let ourselves be distracted from what has already been initiated in the first half of the new start."

In 2022, the University Medical Center incurred a loss of 65.1 million Euros. The economic plan for 2024 assumes a deficit of around 107 million Euros. According to the University Medical Center, approximately 58,900 people were treated inpatiently and around 276,000 patients and patients outpatiently in the previous year. Therefore, around 8700 people work for the University Medical Center Mainz.

Press Release

  1. The financial shortfall at the University Medical Center in Mainz has put strain on the Rhineland-Palatinate's healthcare system, necessitating close scrutiny of the region's finances.
  2. To mitigate the impact of the shortfall, the University Medical Center is exploring ways to improve its medicine delivery and patient care, aiming to optimize its healthcare system.
  3. Despite the challenges, Mainz's University Medical Center remains committed to upholding high-quality healthcare, ensuring that patients continue to receive essential treatments within its Medicine faculty.

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