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Maier: No German coalition with changing majorities

Thuringia's SPD leader Georg Maier has rejected a coalition with the CDU and FDP, which would have to operate with changing majorities. "You can kiss a German coalition with changing majorities goodbye. That's not possible with us," said the 56-year-old at a state party conference in Meiningen...

Thuringia's SPD leader Georg Maier speaks at the state party conference in Meiningen.
Thuringia's SPD leader Georg Maier speaks at the state party conference in Meiningen.

SPD state party conference - Maier: No German coalition with changing majorities

Thuringia's SPD leader Georg Maier has rejected a coalition with the CDU and FDP, which would have to operate with changing majorities. "You can kiss a German coalition with changing majorities goodbye. That's not possible with us," said the 56-year-old at a state party conference in Meiningen on Saturday. Maier was indirectly alluding to the reduction in real estate transfer tax in Thuringia, which the opposition CDU pushed through in the state parliament with votes from the FDP and the AfD, which has been classified as far-right by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Maier, who is also Minister of the Interior, reaffirmed the Thuringian Social Democrats' claim to government. They have been in government since 2014, with a brief interruption, together with Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow's Left Party and the Greens. Since 2020, it has been a minority coalition that relies on compromises with the opposition in the state parliament.

The aim in the 2024 state elections must be to become so strong that stable democratic majorities can be formed with the SPD. "We cannot rely on the Prime Minister to somehow fix things," said the SPD leader. It was important to break the current political deadlock in Thuringia caused by unclear majorities and to prevent the AfD, with a "flawless fascist" at the helm, from gradually undermining democracy. In a representative survey in November, the SPD was at nine percent.

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