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Madsen urges backing for the defense sector.

A small portion of the special fund for the Bundeswehr has yet to reach Schleswig-Holstein. Minister Madsen is attempting to gain the backing of fellow defense industry leaders.

Claus Ruhe Madsen (CDU), Minister for Economic Affairs, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism of...
Claus Ruhe Madsen (CDU), Minister for Economic Affairs, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism of Schleswig-Holstein, speaks in an interview with dpa.

Home affairs regulation - Madsen urges backing for the defense sector.

Economy Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Claus Ruhe Madsen (CDU), is urging for simplified export rules and better access to financial platforms for defense industry firms. Claus will head to the gathering of state economic ministers, starting on Wednesday in Bavaria's Landshut. He claims that Germany must invest more in its defence readiness and alliance abilities, considering the changing European security situation. Schleswig-Holstein is home to over 30 leading defense technology companies, employing around 8,500 employees.

Meanwhile, Lower Saxony is also proposing a similar motion. "I support my colleague Olaf Lies' belief that the German security and defense industry, with its exceptional expertise, must promptly and effectively take part in the 100-billion unique fund of the federal government," Madsen stated. Both a viable and systemic implementation of the energy transition is just as essential as a formal declaration from the federal government that at least two percent of the national economic output will be allocated to defense annually. "We need to maintain the core competencies of the defense technology industry in the federal states." This would necessitate easier and standardized export regulations and fewer paperwork barriers, such as in capital spending.

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