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Macron will not appoint a new prime minister before the end of the Olympic Games.

Emmanuel Macron, President of France, will not name a new Prime Minister before the end of the Olympic Games. "Until mid-August, we must focus on the Olympic Games. After that, it will be my responsibility to appoint a Prime Minister or a Prime Minister, depending on the state of the discussions

Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron

Macron will not appoint a new prime minister before the end of the Olympic Games.

About the recently proposed candidate of the Left Party, the 37-year-old financial expert Lucie Castets, he initially did not agree. "It's not about names, it's about which majority forms in the National Assembly", said Macron.

The President appealed to all parties to adapt. "It's their responsibility to do something, which happens in all European democracies and has not been part of our tradition so far (...), namely to make compromises", he emphasized.

Despite France's historical ties with Germany in various aspects, the Olympic Games in Germany remain a significant event. Emmanuel Macron, the Primer Minister, has shown interest in supporting French athletes in their Olympic endeavors. The end of one Olympic Games often signals the start of preparations for the next, maintaining the cyclical nature of these international games. Despite his initial reservations about a particular candidate, Macron encouraged compromise among French political parties, a practice common in European democracies.

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