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Macron urges greater optimism and motivation across Europe.

Europe needs to put in greater effort to face its future. This message was conveyed by the French President during the presentation of the Peace Prize in Münster, along with an expression of affection.

Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, spricht im Festsaal im historischen Rathaus Münster...
Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, spricht im Festsaal im historischen Rathaus Münster anlässlich der Verleihung des Internationalen Preis des Westfälischen Friedens.

Recognitions or Honors - Macron urges greater optimism and motivation across Europe.

Emmanuel Macron, President of France, encouraged a positive outlook and perseverance in Europe. In his speech for the International Peace Prize of Westphalia in Munster on Tuesday, he remarked, "I think we need to be more optimistic." This statement alludes to the significant issues facing the continent, including the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis, and the threat to democracy.

Macron proposed initiating a new era for Europe. However, this can only be achieved with increased optimism and determination. Relying on nationalism, as advocated by right-wing parties, is not a viable solution.

He pointed out that Europe is currently fragmented, sluggish, and hesitant. For the EU to make progress, it must streamline its processes, act quicker, and invest more. When it comes to security and defense, Europe needs to form joint forces. Europeans are also required to work together in dealing with the environmental crisis and developing future technologies and artificial intelligence. Uniting as a single entity is essential, as competing nations like China and the United States are rapidly advancing in these fields. The continuous changes in technological development demand substantial resources.

Macron viewed the Westphalian Peace Prize, which was awarded in Munster, as the foundation of a united Europe. He highlighted the centuries-long relationship between Germany and France, characterized by mutual admiration and animosity, with the fascination ultimately prevailing. "This mutual fascination is a source of hope," Macron said, and added, "I have an honest love for Germany."

On the eve of the European elections, Macron cautioned against treating Europe's accomplishments as a given. Nationalists exploit these achievements without contributing to them while simultaneously casting aspersions on Europe.

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