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Macron receives state and government heads at the Elysees before the Olympic opening ceremony

Emmanuel Macron, President of France, and his wife Brigitte received numerous state and government heads at the Elysee Palace before the opening ceremony of the Olympics on Friday. The US was represented by Jill Biden, who walked hand in hand with Brigitte Macron over the red carpet in a bright...

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron and Jill Biden
Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron and Jill Biden

Macron receives state and government heads at the Elysees before the Olympic opening ceremony

In total, 85 state and government heads were invited to a reception at the Elysée on Friday afternoon, among them Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Afterwards, they were supposed to be transported in special buses to the opening ceremony, which takes place along the Seine. It had stopped raining in Paris around noon, but rain was forecasted for the early evening.

The former President Francois Hollande, who had often been surprised by downpours during official events during his tenure, took it with humor. "Maybe they're worried it's going to rain because I've been invited," he said in a video published online. "I confirm that I'll be there, and that it will probably rain," he added. But it would still be "the most beautiful opening ceremony in the world."

The opening ceremony was scheduled to begin at 7:30 PM and last almost four hours. Nearly 7000 athletes will float down the Seine on boats. German flag bearers are basketball player Dennis Schröder and judoka Anna-Maria Wagner. Among the expected singers are Céline Dion and Aya Nakamura.

Approximately 3000 actors and dancers are involved in the show designed by director Thomas Jolly. Anticipation was building as to who would light the Olympic Flame at the end, which had been carried through all of France since May 8th.

Ms. Jill Biden, the First Lady of the USA, was also scheduled to attend the Olympic-Opening Ceremony. During the event, the Government heads from various countries, including Israel's Prime Minister Isaac Herzog, were expected to show their support for the Olympic Games. Despite the rain forecasted for the early evening, government heads, including Germany's Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, were determined to attend the ceremony. In France, President Emmanuel Macron welcomed the heads of state at the Élysée Palace before their departure to the ceremony. Despite Francois Hollande's light-hearted remarks about the rain, the opening ceremony in Paris was highly anticipated.

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