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Macron in Dresden emphasizes the need to protect Europe.

Macron frequently calls for a powerful and self-reliant Europe, yet rarely receives the enthusiastic response he had from thousands of young people in Dresden. He has a significant announcement in light of the upcoming European elections.

Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, spricht beim Europäischen Jugendfest "Fête de...
Emmanuel Macron, Präsident von Frankreich, spricht beim Europäischen Jugendfest "Fête de l'Europe" auf dem Neumarkt vor der Frauenkirche.

Paraphrase: The head of state has made an announcement President: The leader is speaking out about something - Macron in Dresden emphasizes the need to protect Europe.

Standing like a beacon of light in front of tens of thousands of young listeners, French President Emmanuel Macron made a powerful plea for Europe in Dresden. "We need to find the courage and determination once again to defend it everywhere," Macron called out in front of the Frauenkirche on Monday. He switched seamlessly between French and German throughout his speech, engaging the predominantly young audience with his bold visions and personal anecdotes. The summit saw a spectacular performance at the "Fête de l'Europe" where Macron sang the European anthem alongside German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a youth choir, and the audience.

In his nearly 40-minute, impassioned speech, Macron underscored the historical significance of a strong and sovereign Europe. Europe is at a turning point, stated the French president to young people from Poland, the Czech Republic, and France. "Europe is a story of peace, prosperity, and democracy." All of this, he warned, is now under threat. "Europe is a beacon of peace. For many of us, this may sound outdated these days. But, unfortunately, there's war in Europe again."

Due to the recent Russian attack on Ukraine, Macron called for an independent European security and defense policy within NATO, with Europeans taking on the role of allies. He had also outlined these ideas in a much-discussed speech at Sorbonne University in Paris, as well as his vision for an economically independent Europe. In economic policy, Europe must become more self-reliant and autonomous, particularly in the face of competition from China and the United States. "Europe needs a growth model for the next generation."

"Europe is not just a shopping mall"

Less than two weeks before the European election, Macron cautioned against the rise of extremists in Europe, with the National Front of Marine Le Pen anticipated to be the strongest force in the French vote, and Macron's liberals poised to lose significantly. He stated that democracy and freedom have seemed like a given, but now, we see a fascination with authoritarian regimes. "It's not just a trend, it's a reality in countries like Hungary. This is also the reality in Poland until the beautiful elections," Macron added. The far-right extremists are playing a significant role in promoting these ideas.

Urgently, Macron implored: "Let's wake up! Our Europe is not a shopping mall!" Europe is not merely a place where we set common rules; it is a bastion of values, culture, individual and political freedoms. We must fight for Europe and respond to concerns and the reasons for the anger with a Europe that values respect. "A Europe that, in a way, rebuilds humanism from the ground up."

Steinmeier rallies for bravery and faith in Europe

Both German President Steinmeier and Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer joined Macron in promoting freedom and democracy in Europe. "Europe has not been forged out of uncertainties and fears, but rather is the result of courage and confidence," declared Steinmeier. Previous generations have worked tirelessly to make this continent a place of freedom and democracy, and it's our responsibility to continue that work, he said, looking toward the upcoming European election on June 9.

Macron, who does not often speak German in his day-to-day life, often shared personal anecdotes during his Dresden speech. "I learned the German language and culture in school and still do," he said. He shared his experience of participating in an exchange between his hometown of Amiens and Dortmund, where he described discovering Germany when it was still divided by the Berlin Wall. "Today, as the first French president since reunification, to address you here in Dresden, moves me deeply," MACRON stated with emotion. "This is an honor as a Frenchman and a friend of Germany, as well as a committed European."

Macron had been scheduled to visit Dresden for a state visit last year, but had to postpone it due to riots in France at the last minute. With a lighthearted comment, he said in German, "Postponed is not canceled."

^1: This translation was generated using a machine translation tool and may not be 100% accurate. Please refer to the original German text for the most accurate information.


Read also:

  1. Emmanuel Macron, the French head of state, made a persuasive plea for a united Europe during his speech in Dresden, emphasizing the need to protect it from threats.
  2. In his speech, Macron highlighted the importance of finding courage and determination to defend Europe, mentioning the Czech Republic, Poland, and France as part of his audience.
  3. Before a massive crowd in front of the Frauenkirche, Macron switched between French and German, engaging the young audience with his bold visions and personal stories.
  4. The European Union is currently at a critical juncture, according to Macron, with peace, prosperity, and democracy all under threat.
  5. Macron called for an independent European security and defense policy within NATO during his speech, citing the recent Russian attack on Ukraine as a reason for concern.
  6. The French president also emphasized the need for Europe to become more self-reliant and autonomous, citing competition from China and the United States as reasons for this shift.
  7. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Federal President of Germany, joined Macron in promoting democratic values and unity during the European elections.
  8. Speaking in Dresden for the first time as a French president since reunification, Macron expressed his deep appreciation for the city and Germany, emphasizing their shared commitment to a strong and united Europe.


