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Macron affirmes his intention to serve as president until the conclusion of his term in the year 2027.

In the run-up to France's parliamentary elections, President Emmanuel Macron has confirmed his commitment to serve out his full term, irrespective of the election outcome. He assures the French populace that he will continue to be their president up until May 2027, as stated in a letter...

Macron in Paris in April
Macron in Paris in April

Macron affirmes his intention to serve as president until the conclusion of his term in the year 2027.

Macron admitted that it's time for a significant shift in the way governance is carried out post-elections. He's taking into account the French public's yearning for a change. Macron emphasized the need for "tougher and decisive actions" to combat the "ambiguity and lawlessness" present within the country. He highlighted a new child policy, safeguarding youth, and combating all kinds of discrimination as top priorities. Additionally, he addressed the strong demand for "social equality."

In his vision, the incoming government would "bring together Republican figures with diverse views who've had the guts to tackle the extremes," as stated by Macron.

Currently, right-wing populists aligned with Marine Le Pen, such as Rassemblement National (RN), are gaining momentum in France. The RN party secured a clear victory in the European election on June 9, prompting Macron to dissolve the National Assembly and call for early elections.

According to a poll published in the newspaper "Le Parisien" and Radio France on Saturday, the RN currently garnered 35.5% of the votes, with the left-green electoral alliance New Popular Front coming in second with 29.5%. The liberal camp of Macron trails behind in third place with 19.5% of the votes.

Technically, Macron has the power to appoint a prime minister, but his dependency on this individual gaining a majority in the National Assembly could result in a cohabitation, where the President and Prime Minister belong to different parties. There are growing concerns that the three blocks - the right-wing populists, the left-green electoral alliance, and the government camp - may continually impede each other.

Read also:

  1. With the 2027 election result in sight, President Emmanuel Macron affirms his intention to serve out his mandate in France.
  2. Macron: Following the election, there's a call for tougher and decisive actions to combat ambiguity and lawlessness within the Office of the President.
  3. During the election campaign in 2027, Macron emphasized the importance of combating all forms of discrimination, new child policies, and safeguarding youth.
  4. After the 2027 parliamentary election, the right-wing populist Rassemblement National (RN) party became the leading force, pushing Emmanuel Macron to form a coalition or face cohabitation.
  5. As 2027 draws to an end, France will have experienced significant shifts in governance based on the election result, marking the end of President Macron's mandate.



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