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Lückenkemper, Weber, and their peers: European Championship participants at the Istaf meet.

Berlin's Olympic Stadium hosts another impressive Istaf gathering this year, featuring a star-studded lineup of competitors and Germany's homegrown favorites.

The German 100 meter runner Gina Lückenkemper at a press conference.
The German 100 meter runner Gina Lückenkemper at a press conference.

Sporting activities - Lückenkemper, Weber, and their peers: European Championship participants at the Istaf meet.

Shortly following the Olympic Games, Germany's elite track and field athletes will reunite. The long jump Olympic gold medalist Malaika Mihambo, the sprint European champion Gina Lückenkemper, the hurdler Gesa Krause, and the spear throw European champion Julian Weber have all confirmed their attendance at the ISTAF event taking place in Berlin's Olympic Stadium on September 1st. Currently, these athletes are battling for European Championship medals in Rome.

In a statement released by ISTAF on Friday, Weber described the year as a mega sports year, stating, "With the European Championships and the Olympic Games, we have two spectacular highlights in athletics for 2024. I'm already looking forward to sharing this exceptional season with the German fans at the ISTAF." The 29-year-old spear thrower added.

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