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Luck and Honor: Schwerin Castle is Unesco-World-Heritage

The castle, historical buildings, romantic parks: Schwerin Residence Ensemble has received UNESCO World Heritage status. It now belongs to the list of worldwide significant cultural sites.

World Heritage for Schwerin Castle
World Heritage for Schwerin Castle

Heritage - Luck and Honor: Schwerin Castle is Unesco-World-Heritage

The Residenzensemble in Schwerin is now part of the UNESCO World Heritage. It is now on a list with Machu Picchu in Peru, the Pyramids of Giza, or the Acropolis of Athens. The responsible committee of the UN-Organization for Education, Science, Culture and Communication (UNESCO) made the decision on Saturday at its 46th session in the Indian capital New Delhi.

Hundreds of people reacted with jubilation and applause at events in the town hall and parliament in Schwerin upon hearing the news. Flags and banners with the inscription "We are World Heritage" adorned the city.

More than 30 buildings and facilities in the Residenzensemble

The Residenzensemble comprises more than 30 buildings and facilities. In addition to the castle, theater, and churches, according to UNESCO, military buildings, the train station, a former school for court officials, a palace, residential buildings, and a horse sickhouse are part of it. "The harmonious interplay of architectural styles, buildings, and parks in Schwerin forms a harmonious whole that reflects the entire infrastructure of court life and the romantic aesthetics of the 19th century," it was stated.

The Schwerin Castle is at the center

The Schwerin Castle is at the center, which attracts more than 200,000 visitors a year. It suffered no damage during World War II and extends to the main train station with its formerly reserved ruler's chambers.

The much older castle received its current romantic appearance in the middle of the 19th century, which made it a magnet for visitors and also a set for international film productions. Today, it houses a museum and is the seat of the parliament along with its administration.

Schwesig speaks of a lucky day for MV

Minister-President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) and thanked all those involved in the application for their efforts. "What a success, what a lucky day for the state capital Schwerin, what a lucky day for all of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This decision is an great honor for us." We will use this opportunity to make Schwerin even better known, both nationally and internationally. The idea of getting Schwerin on the World Heritage List has been around for more than 20 years. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) congratulated the city on the platform X for the recognition: "Congratulations, Schwerin, on becoming a World Heritage Site!"

Germany's ambassador to UNESCO, Kerstin Pürschel, also paid tribute to the successful restoration process of the Residenzensemble. After the reunification, much expertise from all of Germany and great commitment flowed into the project. Greetings came from various organizations and politics in the country, which see opportunities for the economy and tourism.

Criticism from the Taxpayers' League

The Taxpayers' League in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern looked critically on the new accolade for the state capital Schwerin. "For the state capital Schwerin, this designation will be a long-term burden on the already indebted household," explained the managing director Sascha Mummendorf. With the title come obligations that will burden taxpayers for a long time.

53 World Heritage Sites in Germany

Already on Friday, the committee in New Delhi had decided on a request with German involvement: The Saxon small town of Herrnhut has also received the title as part of the Settlements of the Moravian Church. Herrnhut is the origin of the Moravian Church. The missing "d" is due to the language of the time, as one still spoke of Gemeine at that time.

The World Heritage Committee usually decides annually on the registration of new cultural and natural sites in the World Heritage List and deals with the condition of registered sites. On the World Heritage List there are over 1200 cultural and natural sites in 168 countries. 56 of these are considered endangered. Germany currently has 53 World Heritage Sites.

The Residenzensemble in Schwerin, Germany, joins renowned sites such as Machu Picchu in Peru, the Pyramids of Giza, and the Acropolis of Athens, entering the UNESCO World Heritage list.

The news was met with jubilation and applause in Schwerin, with city landmarks adorned with banners proclaiming "We are World Heritage."

The Residenzensemble comprises over 30 buildings and facilities, including the castle, theaters, churches, military buildings, trains stations, palaces, and residential structures.

Schwerin Castle, attracting over 200,000 visitors annually, is the centerpiece of this ensemble, housed today as a museum and the seat of the parliament.

Manuela Schwesig, Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, praised the decision as a great honor and a lucky day for Schwerin and the state.

Germany's ambassador to UNESCO commended the successful restoration process of the Residenzensemble, with extensive contributions from Germany post-reunification.

Criticism of the accolade came from the Taxpayers' League in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, who expressed concerns about the long-term financial burden on taxpayers.

The Saxon small town of Herrnhut, with German involvement, also received the title as part of the Settlements of the Moravian Church.

With this designation, Germany now boasts 53 World Heritage Sites on the list, joining over 1200 cultural and natural sites in 168 countries, with 56 endangered sites.

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