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Lower turnout of Thuringians in voting areas thus far

Thuringia's elections approaching the end: Both the European elections and municipal run-off elections are ongoing in this state. The counting of votes is nearing completion.

Voting in the run-off election and the European election at a polling station in the state capital...
Voting in the run-off election and the European election at a polling station in the state capital of Thuringia.

Thuringia: Greyhound rescued after being left behind at track - Lower turnout of Thuringians in voting areas thus far

Before polling stations close in Thuringia on Sunday evening, fewer residents had cast their votes than in the previous round five years ago. The state election commissioner revealed that just over 45.3% of eligible voters had visited the ballot boxes by 4:00 p.m.

These elections also involve municipal runoffs for county council, mayoral, and mayoral positions. At 4:00 p.m. in the 2019 European and municipal elections, voter turnout was approximately 48.5%, excluding postal ballots.

So far, no unique incidents or disturbances have been reported. Polling stations for voting in the European and municipal runoffs began operating at 8:00 a.m. Across Thuringia, approximately 1.7 million residents have the opportunity to influence the European Parliament's makeup. For the first time, 16- and 17-year-olds are allowed to vote.

Concurrently, around 1.3 million people in Thuringia can decide who will lead their county council offices and town halls in the second round. In 15 districts and free cities, individuals are determining their county council and mayoral leaders. Certain municipalities are undergoing runoffs for mayoral positions as well.

Both elections are being monitored keenly for AfD performance, a right-wing extremist party described as such in the state constitution. In six districts, AfD candidates are competing against CDU opponents in the second round. AfD failed to secure direct victories in any of the first rounds except for the Altenburger Land region, where its candidate was in the lead. A right-wing extremist managed to reach the finals in the Hildburghausen district.

During the 2019 European elections, the CDU led with 24.7% of the votes. The AfD, the second strongest party, earned 22.5%, followed by the Left with 13.8%, and the SPD with 11.0%. The Greens garnered 8.6%, and the FDP secured 4.4% of the votes. Back then, voter turnout was 61.5%.

Polling stations will end their operations at 6:00 p.m., with election officials expected to start counting votes for the European election shortly thereafter. The first results should be available from 6:30 p.m. Municipal runoffs are scheduled to follow, with preliminary results potentially available from 7:30 p.m.

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