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Louis Lewandowski Festival opens as solidarity festival

It is intended to show strength and give hope: The Louis Lewandowski Festival opened in Cottbus on Thursday. Despite the Hamas attack on Israel, it will take place from December 14 to 17 in venues in Berlin and Brandenburg. The "festival of joy" has been transformed into a "festival of...

Culture - Louis Lewandowski Festival opens as solidarity festival

It is intended to show strength and give hope: The Louis Lewandowski Festival opened in Cottbus on Thursday. Despite the Hamas attack on Israel, it will take place from December 14 to 17 in venues in Berlin and Brandenburg. The "festival of joy" has been transformed into a "festival of solidarity" because of the attack, explained the director of the choir festival, Nils Busch-Petersen. Some artists had not come because they wanted to stay with their families in Israel or were deployed as reservists. The patron of the festival is Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD).

After the attack on Israel, nothing is as it was, said the head of the State Chancellery, Minister Kathrin Schneider, at the opening. The consequences can also be felt by Jews in Brandenburg and Germany. "It has perhaps never been as important as it is today to come together, make music together and listen to each other."

This year's festival looks back on 75 years of Israel under the motto "Musical Cultures of Israel from the Orient and Occident". After the opening concert, artists will perform in the synagogue on Berlin's Fraenkelufer, and there will also be events in the hospital church in Wuhlegarten and the Reinbeckhallen in Berlin-Oberschöneweide. The grand finale with all the artists will take place in the synagogue on Rykestraße in Prenzlauer Berg.

"Jewish life is an integral, indispensable part of our society and our country," affirmed the head of the Brandenburg State Chancellery. "The protection of Jewish life and the fight against anti-Semitism is a constitutional mandate in Brandenburg, which we are implementing."

Donations will be requested at all concerts for the "Swords of Iron War: Requested for Children" fund for victims of terror in Israel. According to the organizers, the fund is currently taking special care of children traumatized by the terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas.


Read also:

  1. The Louis Lewandowski Festival, originally intended as a joyful event, is now being held as a festival of solidarity in Cottbus from December 14 to 17, sprawling across venues in Berlin and Brandenburg.
  2. Despite the Hamas attack on Israel, some artists had decided to stay with their families in Israel or were deployed as reservists, which resulted in their absence from the festival.
  3. As a show of solidarity and unity, the festival in Brandenburg is remembered this year under the motto "Musical Cultures of Israel from the Orient and Occident."
  4. Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) of Brandenburg, serving as the festival's patron, expressed his strong belief that Jewish life is an indispensable part of society and country, and that protecting Jewish life and combating anti-Semitism is a constitutional obligation in Brandenburg.
  5. Donations will be collected during all concerts for the "Swords of Iron War: Requested for Children" fund, which primarily focuses on supporting and healing children who have been traumatized as a result of the recent terrorist attack perpetrated by the Islamist group Hamas in Israel.


