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Lots of traffic but no chaos at the start of the vacations: mild and rainy

Finally off: On Wednesday, around 2.5 million pupils have their last day of school before the Christmas break. Many families are going on vacation or visiting relatives. The ADAC does not expect traffic jams, but the weather is not expected to be very Christmassy and rather wet.

Cars and trucks jammed on the A1 highway heading north.
Cars and trucks jammed on the A1 highway heading north.

ADAC - Lots of traffic but no chaos at the start of the vacations: mild and rainy

At the start of the Christmas vacations in North Rhine-Westphalia this Wednesday, the ADAC is expecting a lot of traffic, but no huge traffic jams.

Wednesday is generally a busy day in NRW, and commuters, Christmas vacationers and people on their way to visit family meet up at the start of the vacations, said an ADAC spokesperson. However, he does not expect chaotic conditions on the roads.

"Last year, there were even 20 percent fewer traffic jams on the Thursday and Friday before Christmas than on average," said ADAC traffic expert Prof. Roman Suthold.

The school vacations for the approximately 2.5 million schoolchildren in NRW begin on December 21. Many families start their vacation right after the last lesson on Wednesday.

They should not forget umbrellas and windbreakers, advises the German Weather Service DWD. Meteorologists are expecting rain on Wednesday, first to the east and then to the west of the Rhine. With relatively mild temperatures between 6 and 9 degrees, there will be moderate to fresh winds, with individual gusts of wind in the mountains. There will be no sign of a white pre-Christmas period.

Deutsche Bahn is preparing for the busy days around Christmas with 60 additional trains nationwide, which will run from Wednesday until January 1, especially on the particularly busy routes, according to a spokeswoman. In NRW, this includes the Cologne-Frankfurt-Stuttgart-Munich route. In total, an additional 35,000 seats will be available nationwide during the Christmas period.

In addition to North Rhine-Westphalia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, Hamburg and Thuringia will also start their Christmas vacations from the middle of this week.

The ADAC has warned of an increased risk of traffic jams, especially on the Saturday before Christmas morning. The routes into the city centers could also become more congested if the last presents are bought shortly before Christmas. "For a last-minute trip to buy presents or visit a Christmas market, public transport can be a good alternative to the car," recommended the ADAC.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, there will probably be little traffic on the trunk roads in NRW. "On December 26, the risk of traffic jams will also be manageable despite some return traffic," predicted the association.

ADAC statement from 18.12. Weather

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