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Losses on the Nasdaq keep the Dax in check

After a mixed start to the new stock market year, prices on the German stock market barely moved on Wednesday. In early trading, the Dax virtually stood still at 16,774 points. This means that the leading index remains below the record high of over 17,000 points reached in mid-December. The...

The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.
The Dax is the most important share index in Germany.

Stock exchange in Frankfurt - Losses on the Nasdaq keep the Dax in check

After a mixed start to the new stock market year, prices on the German stock market barely moved on Wednesday. In early trading, the Dax virtually stood still at 16,774 points. This means that the leading index remains below the record high of over 17,000 points reached in mid-December. The MDax, which comprises 50 mid-cap stocks, lost half a percent to 26,696 points.

Price losses on the US technology exchange Nasdaq proved to be the main drag. The previous evening, the Nasdaq 100 Index had slipped to its lowest level since mid-December. However, the index had previously also performed strongly.

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