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Lord Mayor discusses the Middle East at grammar school

Frankfurt's Lord Mayor Mike Josef (SPD) discussed the Middle East conflict and anti-Semitism with pupils. The eleventh-graders from Frankfurt's Musterschule grammar school asked the politician questions and shared their concerns. The Middle East conflict cannot be solved in Frankfurt, said...

A window of a school is open for ventilation.
A window of a school is open for ventilation.

Conflict - Lord Mayor discusses the Middle East at grammar school

Frankfurt's Lord Mayor Mike Josef (SPD) discussed the Middle East conflict and anti-Semitism with pupils. The eleventh-graders from Frankfurt's Musterschule grammar school asked the politician questions and shared their concerns. The Middle East conflict cannot be solved in Frankfurt, said Josef, "but what we can - and must - tackle is hatred." The education system plays an important role in this, he said, and should not be cut in the wrong places.

"We are not divided by religion, we are united by respect for human rights," said Josef, who came to Germany as a refugee from Syria as a child. He called on the young people to "stand up for each other when someone is attacked or mobbed". Anti-Semitism should not be tolerated, nor should hostility towards Muslims. "We have to fight both, that is essential for coexistence in our city."

Publicist Michel Friedman was also supposed to take part in the discussion, but he was unable to attend at short notice. The debate was not controversial. The students made it clear, for example, that in their view solidarity with the civilian victims in Gaza was also necessary and that not all Palestinians or even all Muslims supported Hamas.

Both Jewish and Muslim pupils reported on their personal experiences since October 7. Two young people who are active in the Jewish sports club Makabi talked about their parents' worries and the ever-increasing security measures. "Even as a Muslim, my parents are super scared for me," said another girl. There is so much hatred on earth "and that's scary."

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