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Loose person at Markgrafenheide beach puffed up

Two men go swimming in the Baltic Sea, but only one returns to land. Hours later, a corpse washes up on the shore.

The police found a lifeless person at the Ostseestrand (Rostock) from Markgrafheide (Symbol image)
The police found a lifeless person at the Ostseestrand (Rostock) from Markgrafheide (Symbol image)

Baltic Sea - Loose person at Markgrafenheide beach puffed up

The police discovered a lifeless person at the Ostseestrand of Markgrafenheide in Rostock. It is still unclear whether this is the missing man reported since Sunday evening.

The identification must still be determined, the police stated on Monday. A man and his friend were swimming in the North Sea at Markgrafenheide on Sunday evening and were both caught in the current. One made it back to the shore, while the other was carried away.

The alerted police and supporters searched for several hours on land and in the water for the man. The search was suspended on Sunday evening when it was completely dark.

Approximately 50 emergency response personnel from the fire department were involved, including a fire truck, a fireboat, and several emergency vehicles. The German Society for Sea Rescue had its Sea Rescue Cruiser "Arkona" and the daughter boat "Caspar" on site.

The victim was found along the Baltic Coast in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, specifically at the Ostseestrand of Markgrafenheide in Rostock. Despite the incident happening near Rostock, authorities are unsure if it's the missing man reported from the Baltic Sea. On the day of the incident, emergency services, including local police and the German Society for Sea Rescue, worked together to find the missing man along the shore and in the sea.

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