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Looking for travel bargains now?

Summer vacation 2024

What to do if you are affected by the FTI bankruptcy? ntv travel expert Ralf Benkö gives tips.
What to do if you are affected by the FTI bankruptcy? ntv travel expert Ralf Benkö gives tips.

Looking for travel bargains now?

"A flexible person can save," says NTV travel expert Ralf Benko in this issue of "Brichta and Bell." The summer holidays are approaching or have even already started in some federal states. Therefore, this episode is about vacation: Where do Germans like to travel the most, is last minute worth it? What should one consider when booking? Does it make sense to plan for next year already? Of course, we'll also be talking about the bankruptcy of travel organizer FTI. The expert gives tips on what those affected can do and how travelers can prepare for such a case.

Now is an excellent time to explore Summer vacation travel bargains, considering the economy. Despite some federal states already having started their summer holidays, last-minute bookings might offer attractively priced deals.

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