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Longer studies for prospective regular school teachers at the University of Jena

Young people training to become regular school teachers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena will soon have to study one semester longer than before. According to a resolution passed by the state parliament on Wednesday, their standard period of study will increase from the current nine to ten...

Students sitting in a lecture hall.
Students sitting in a lecture hall.

Parliament - Longer studies for prospective regular school teachers at the University of Jena

Young people training to become regular school teachers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena will soon have to study one semester longer than before. According to a resolution passed by the state parliament on Wednesday, their standard period of study will increase from the current nine to ten semesters from the winter semester 2024/2025. Thuringia's Education Minister Helmut Holter (Left Party) said that this extension of the course was necessary to better prepare prospective teachers for everyday school life.

Young teachers had recently told him several times that they did not feel sufficiently prepared for their profession through their studies. The student body in Thuringia has changed significantly in recent years. Many more children and young people from very different backgrounds are learning at schools than in the past.

By introducing an additional semester for standard school studies at the University of Jena, the duration of studies there will be aligned with the standard duration of studies at the University of Erfurt. Teacher training there already lasts ten semesters. The universities in Erfurt and Jena are the only places in Thuringia where regular school teachers are trained.

In the additional six months of their training, students should have more time to deal with the topic of inclusion, for example.

The parliamentary groups of the Left, SPD and Greens as well as the parliamentary group of the FDP voted in favor of extending the standard period of study. The AfD voted against and the CDU abstained.

CDU education politician Christian Tischner criticized that the state parliament resolution did not go far enough. It would not solve the underlying problems of the shortage of regular school teachers, he said. Around 40 percent of all student teachers would drop out of their studies. Extending the standard period of study for teachers would not change this situation.

Read also:

  1. The decision to extend the standard period of study for prospective regular school teachers at the University of Jena was made by the state parliament in Thuringia.
  2. Helmut Holter, the Education Minister of Thuringia and a member of the Left Party, supports this extension, as he believes it will better prepare teachers for everyday school life.
  3. As a result of this change, the length of teacher training at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena will match that of the University of Erfurt, both being the only institutions in Thuringia offering regular school teacher education.
  4. Helmut Holter suggested that the additional six months in the new standard period of study could be utilized to focus on topics such as inclusion, which are crucial for educators in today's diverse learning environments.




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