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Long suffering on the day of the world best times - Anne Haug famos

It remains the high-speed course of the long-distance triathlon. Just like a year ago, the world best times are set in Roth. This time also by a German. In the men's race, there was a bitter German exit.

Anne Haug has impressively undercut the one-year-old world best time.
Anne Haug has impressively undercut the one-year-old world best time.

Triathlon - Long suffering on the day of the world best times - Anne Haug famos

With two painkillers and after one of the bitterest moments in his Triathlon career, Patrick Lange remained in the emotional roller coaster of Roth only the role of suffering spectator on the day of world records. First, Lange's Danish rival Magnus Ditlev completed his hat-trick at the biggest Triathlon in the world perfectly and beat his world record of 2023 at the same location again. Then, Anne Haug pulverized the top time of Daniela Ryf from 2023 in Roth. "I still can't believe it," said the local heroine: "It went from start to finish like greased."

In fabulous 8:02:38 hours, Haug was almost six minutes under Ryf's time from the previous year and came close to the magical eight-hour mark. "I've always dreamed of it, but the time is getting tight," she said and didn't look particularly exhausted: "The world record was always a big dream of mine. That it worked out now makes my career perfect."

Beforehand, Ditlev had reached the goal of the specially built arena after 3.8 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of cycling, and 42.2 kilometers of running in 7:23:24 hours. In 2023, the almost two-meter-tall Dane had won in 7:24:40 hours. Although Kristian Blummenfelt had come in first at the Ironman Mexico in 2021 in 7:21:12 hours, the time was not recognized in the scene due to the strong current during the swim.

Lange winces and suffers in the transition zone

Among the men, Jan Stratmann was the best German on place four - 27 seconds short of a podium place. From the hoped-for duel Ditlev against Lange, nothing came to fruition. The two-time Ironman World Champion had to drop out early.

Even at the swim start, he had taken a kick against his lower left ribcage, but Lange held on in the water of the Main-Danube Canal. He dragged himself to the transition zone, screamed in pain at times, curled up, and suffered like his fans under the thousands of spectators.

"I could only breathe on the right lung side," explained Lange, who had worked as a physiotherapist before his Triathlon career. "This is a harsh defeat," he emphasized: "It hurts twice as much, not to be able to perform at my favorite race." He would have to deal with this now, "that will take a few days." Lange had still gotten on his bike, but the pain was too great.

It remains to be seen how the injury retirement in Roth will influence his preparation and the WM race in Hawaii in October. Next up for him is the Ironman Frankfurt in mid-August.

Anne Haug delivers a power demonstration

Haug used the race to impressively position herself on the top favorite list for the Women's WM in Nice - despite the different profile of the course. She determined her home race almost at will and in impressive fashion. Otherwise, she often has to start an overtaking race on her parade discipline, this time she went on the run with a clear lead and held her tempo consistently high there as well.

She completed the marathon in significantly under 2:40 hours. Near the old people's home on the last meters, where she always lives due to the hotel shortage in and around Roth during the races, she slapped hands with the spectators in the goal area and enjoyed every meter of her memorable 226 kilometers. Second place went to the third place from the previous year, Laura Philipp from Heidelberg, after a strong race and personal best time. Against Haug, she had no chance. "Anne was in a league of her own on the course," Philipp concluded.

  1. Despite Patrick Lange's withdrawal due to an injury during the cycling phase, the Triathlon race in Roth, Bavaria, witnessed remarkable performances from German athletes, such as Anne Haug and Magnus Ditlev, who set new world records in their respective categories.
  2. Lange, who had a tough time watching the competition from the sidelines, expressed his disappointment at not being able to participate in his favorite race, the Ironman in Roth, Bavaria.
  3. Meanwhile, in the men's category, Magnus Ditlev from Denmark completed his hat-trick at the Roth Triathlon, breaking his own world record set in 2023.
  4. Anne Haug, a local heroine from Roth, also shattered the top time of Daniela Ryf in Roth with an impressive time of 8:02:38 hours, coming close to the magic eight-hour mark in Triathlon.
  5. In the running segment of the race, Haug displayed her strength and consistency, completing the marathon in under 2:40 hours and enjoying every moment of her memorable 226-kilometer journey.

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