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Long queues before Christmas: Warning strike in the retail sector

With a warning strike in the retail sector right before Christmas, Verdi is putting pressure on the current collective bargaining round on Saturday. Customers do not have to expect closed stores. However, the queues are likely to get longer.

Participants in a warning strike march through the city with Verdi union flags.
Participants in a warning strike march through the city with Verdi union flags.

Tariffs - Long queues before Christmas: Warning strike in the retail sector

Christmas shoppers can expect particularly long queues in the stores on the day before Christmas Eve. The trade union Verdi is calling for a nationwide warning strike in the retail sector in Bremen and Lower Saxony on December 23. According to Verdi, it could be particularly tight in the grocery stores, as the warehouses will also be on strike. However, both the trade association and the union say that stores are not expected to remain completely closed.

The call for an all-day warning strike applies to all retail stores in both federal states, from Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, Ikea, Douglas and H&M to Kaufland and Edeka. The union does not expect stores to remain completely closed due to the strike. "However, customers should expect longer queues at the checkout," said union secretary Mizgin Ciftci to the German Press Agency on Friday. The shelves in grocery stores could also be less well stocked. This is because the central warehouses are also on strike here, "so that the goods cannot be delivered to the stores in the first place", said Ciftci.

The central strike rally for Lower Saxony and Bremen is planned for Saturday from 11.00 a.m. in Hanover. "We are expecting a good turnout because the employees have been waiting for a wage agreement for more than seven months," said Ciftci. However, the aim is not to hit the customers, but the employers. "We don't want to upset anyone, but we have no other choice," said the trade unionist. "We hope that customers will show understanding."

The Lower Saxony-Bremen Trade Association, on the other hand, does not expect the strike to have any major impact. "We are optimistic that customers will be able to do their Christmas shopping undisturbed on December 23," said Karin Schindler-Abbes, Managing Director of the collective bargaining agreement, at the beginning of the week. After all, only five percent of retail employees are organized in the union. In addition, most customers have long since finished their Christmas shopping. "Strikes on December 23 are completely pointless, as the Christmas business is over."

With the day of action directly before Christmas, the union wants to increase the pressure in the current collective bargaining round. In the collective bargaining round, which has been ongoing for months, the union is demanding 2.50 euros more pay per hour for 330,000 employees in the retail sector in Lower Saxony and 28,000 in Bremen over a period of one year. According to the employers, they are offering a good ten percent wage increase spread over two years. According to Verdi, this would only mean an increase of 1.04 euros in 2023.

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