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Long prison sentences for fraud with corona test centers

By allegedly operating corona test stations, two men aged 32 and 33 have scammed more than 16 million euros from the North Rhine Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVNO). On Tuesday, the Cologne Regional Court sentenced the two Cologne residents to prison terms of seven years...

A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.
A barbed wire fence surrounds the grounds of a prison.

Process - Long prison sentences for fraud with corona test centers

By allegedly operating corona test stations, two men aged 32 and 33 have swindled more than 16 million euros from the North Rhine Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVNO). On Tuesday, the Cologne Regional Court sentenced the two Cologne residents to prison terms of seven years and three months and six years for 25 cases of fraud - seven of which remained in the trial stage. A 35-year-old co-defendant was given a two-year suspended sentence for aiding and abetting fraud.

According to the verdict, the two main perpetrators began committing the fraud in December 2021 "with immense organizational effort". They had also obtained access to the KVNO's billing system, which was used to pay out the lump sums for citizen tests for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. It is true that the KNVO made it easy for the defendants. However, Germany was in an emergency situation during the period of the crime. The state had responded to the pandemic with unbureaucratic citizen tests. "You took advantage of this emergency situation," the presiding judge made clear when explaining the verdict.

The verdicts against the two main defendants are not final, an appeal is possible. The 35-year-old accepted his guilty verdict in the courtroom.

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