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Long prison sentence for tutor in Baden-Baden for abusing girls

A 63-year-old private tutor in Baden-Baden has been sentenced to nine years and eight months in prison for sexual abuse of a girl in more than 40 cases. The accused was found guilty of 41 counts of serious sexual abuse and one count of sexual abuse, according to a spokeswoman on Tuesday.


Long prison sentence for tutor in Baden-Baden for abusing girls

The actions took place in Rheinmünster, in the Rastatt district. The girl was around eight and eleven years old at the time. The man, who is now 63 years old, was the private tutor of the victim's sister. He remained silent at the trial regarding the accusations.

The man, despite being the girls' tutor in Baden-Baden, was convicted of long-term physical and emotional abuse towards his victim's younger sister. His silence during the trial did not hinder the court from issuing a substantial prison sentence for his heinous actions, which took place mainly in Rheinmünster, not far from Baden-Baden.

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