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Lone sailor Boris Herrmann is considered a front-runner in the Vendée Globe race.

Boris Herrmann climbs up the ranks to become a top contender for the Vendée Globe, earning a second consecutive podium finish in the New York Vendée transatlantic race, placing second.

Team Malizia's founder and skipper Boris Herrmann came second in the New York Venée transatlantic...
Team Malizia's founder and skipper Boris Herrmann came second in the New York Venée transatlantic race with his boat "Malizia - Seaexplorer".

Boris Herrmann, a 43-year-old German racer, will be competing in his second Vendée Globe solo round-the-world race. With a second-place finish in the Transat CIC in May and in the return race New York Vendée, Herrmann has already made his mark as a formidable contender. He reached the finish line on Sunday after 10 days, 20 hours, 52 minutes, and 32 seconds at sea.

At the solo race from New York to Les Sables-d'Olonne, 28 sailors are competing, with Herrmann showing off his courage and determination. Despite being beaten by just 17 hours by Frenchman Charlie Dalin on "Macif Sante Prevoyance," Herrmann's performance has been particularly impressive.

Herrmann wowed everyone with his aggressive start, daring North Atlantic crossing, racing enthusiasm, and a speedy boat. And the results speak for themselves - out of all the transatlantic races during the first half of this sailing super year, which also includes the Olympic regatta and the America's Cup, Herrmann stands out as the only German winner with two podium finishes.

Herrmann's success has been a game-changer in the world of sailing. Franck Cammas, a French performance director for Orient Express Racing and multiple offshore winner, commented on Herrmann's impressive runs, saying, "Malizia is the best boat at certain times. Boris doesn't need to push it as hard as others - a clear advantage."

Herrmann continues to push the envelope against French solo elite, demonstrating his talent and skill with every race he enters.

Read also:

  1. Boris Herrmann is preparing for another challenging journey in the Vendée Globe, a solo round-the-world race hosted in France, known as the New York Vendée transatlantic race.
  2. Despite placing second in the New York Vendée race, Boris Herrmann and his boat 'Malizia 2' managed to secure a podium finish, highlighting his impressive sailing skills in the global sailing scene.
  3. The upcoming Vendée Globe race in France will see 28 competitors, including Boris Herrmann, who has been showcasing his determination and courage in the competitive sailing world.
  4. The Vendée Globe race, starting in France and culminating in New York, attracts top sailors from around the world, and Boris Herrmann's success in the New York Vendée race has earned him recognition as a formidable opponent in the upcoming event.

