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LNG terminal without negative impact on water quality

The LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven is important for the gas supply - but environmentalists and fishermen warn of negative environmental impacts. A state authority has now given the all-clear.

The tanker "Maria Energy" (rear) is moored at the floating LNG terminal.
The tanker "Maria Energy" (rear) is moored at the floating LNG terminal.

Energy - LNG terminal without negative impact on water quality

Contrary to the fears of environmentalists, the cleaning of the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven with chlorine has not had any negative effects on the water, according to the responsible authority. After eleven months of operation, the measured values of the various chlorine and by-products were mostly even below the respective detection limit, the Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal and Environmental Protection Agency (NLWKN) announced on Friday. The state of Lower Saxony had ordered intensive aquatic ecological monitoring for the commissioning of the floating terminal.

Environmental protection associations, local residents and mussel fishermen had criticized the discharge of chlorinated wastewater into the Jade. They feared that the continuous discharge of the chemical, which is harmful to organisms, would have a negative impact on nature and living creatures - including in the adjacent Wadden Sea.

The terminal's cooling and process systems have to be cleaned with chlorine. Experts estimate that up to 178 million cubic meters of wastewater containing chlorine are discharged into the Jade every year. Chlorine is intended to prevent biofouling.

The natural gas delivered by tankers, cooled down to minus 162 degrees and liquefied, must be heated and thus made gaseous. This is mainly done using seawater. To prevent the terminal's systems from becoming overgrown with algae and mussels, they are flushed with chlorine.

According to the NLWKN, the effect of discharging cooled water in summer or heated water in winter was no longer measurable in the water. The measured values were therefore also below the forecasts of the expert reports. In the opinion of the authority, a deterioration in the condition of the affected Jade water as a result of the discharges can therefore be ruled out.

According to the NLWKN, a large number of samples have been systematically analyzed both on board the terminal and around the terminal on a monthly basis at all tide times and at several water depths since it was commissioned in December 2022. The water temperature is also measured.

NLWKN monitoring report

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