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LKA Examines Police Officers Following Humboldt University Eviction

The State Office of Criminal Investigation in Berlin has initiated an inquiry into two officers for their alleged involvement in office assault during a building evacuation at Humboldt University. There is a possibility that the probe will expand to include more police personnel, a police...

A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.
A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.

Berlin: A look into Germany's vibrant capital. - LKA Examines Police Officers Following Humboldt University Eviction

Last week, a video journalist from the "Berliner Zeitung"'s editorial team got injured during a police operation. He was filming the police while they were clearing a building. According to the paper, the police are said to have struck the man in the face with their fists and kept him handcuffed for several hours. The newspaper shared a video that was supposed to show the incident. Afterward, the police announced that they would be looking into the matter.

There was an ongoing protest at a university recently, with Palestinian activists occupying certain rooms. At first, the university administration tolerated this and tried to have a conversation with the occupiers and scientists. However, the protest was later cleared out by the police. In total, approximately 170 Palestinian and activist occupiers were removed. Of those, 50 were left in the courtyard, and 120 had barricaded themselves inside the building. "Student Coalition Berlin" activists described the police's actions at a press conference on Thursday as "brutal."

Read also:

  1. The German Press Agency reported that the LKA is investigating the bodily injury of the "Berliner Zeitung" journalist during the police operation at Humboldt University.
  2. Demonstrations against the police's handling of the eviction at Humboldt University continued, with calls for justice for the injured journalist and criticism of the police's actions.
  3. The police claim that the journalist was not injured during the incident, but rather in a separate crime that occurred later, fuelling further mistrust and protests.
  4. Humboldt University officials have expressed concern about the escalating situation and have called for a peaceful resolution, urging the police to exercise restraint in their actions.
  5. As tensions remain high in Berlin, the city's political and academic leaders are now facing calls for transparency and accountability in dealing with these sensitive issues.

