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Liquid analysed after break-in in administrative buildings

During a break-in at an administrative building in the town of Worms, a liquid was released. The analysis results are now available.

The police are giving the all-clear: The liquid in the building in Worms is identified as acetic...
The police are giving the all-clear: The liquid in the building in Worms is identified as acetic acid.

- Liquid analysed after break-in in administrative buildings

An investigation into a break-in at a city administration building in Worms has revealed that the liquid released during the incident was identified as acetic acid, commonly known as vinegar. According to the city of Worms and the police, this substance is readily available for purchase and was brought to the scene by the perpetrator on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday.

Police and city officials have confirmed that there is no health risk. After the affected areas were cleaned, the administration building has reopened to the public. Authorities estimate the total damage from theft and property damage to be around 30,000 euros. The perpetrator remains at large.

The police played a integral role in investigating the break-in situation, gathering evidence and identifying the substance as vinegar. Despite the vinegar causing no immediate health risks, the police continue to search for the perpetrator who brought the substance to the scene.

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