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Lindner: Child securing according to Paus's plans will not come during this electoral period

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has rejected the original plans of Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) for a child allowance. The government will continue the child supplement and raise the child benefit - that is 'what needs to be done on the benefits side in this election...

Paus and Lindner
Paus and Lindner

Lindner: Child securing according to Paus's plans will not come during this electoral period

In addition, the Bundestag will also discuss the so-called Kinderchancenportal, emphasized Lindner. "Whether more cooperation between the authorities is possible in this legislative period will be shown," he said.

In the past few months, there have been disputes within the Federal Government regarding the introduction of Child Allowance. Lindner has criticized the green flagship project lately, especially the plans for a new agency for implementation. Family Minister Paus recently spoke out in favor of a gradual introduction of the Child Allowance, which is intended to bundle several social benefits.

The leaders of the Traffic Light Coalition reached an agreement on the framework for a common federal budget in the past week. Plans include a slight increase in child allowance. Questions about the future of the agreed-upon Child Allowance, which is intended to bundle several social benefits and abolish child allowance, were evaded by Lindner and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

  1. Editorial Network Germany recently published an editorial discussing the importance of enhancing Kindergarten safety measures during the election period.
  2. Lisa Paus, the Family Minister, is currently working on revised plans for the gradual implementation of the Child Allowance, which involves bundling various social benefits.
  3. During a pause in the Federal Parliament proceedings, Christian Lindner, the FDP leader, expressed his concerns about the effectiveness of the proposed plans for the Child Allowance agency.
  4. Despite being in the election period, discussions surrounding Kindergarten safety and Child Allowance continue to dominate the agenda in the Federal Parliament.
  5. The FDP, led by Christian Lindner, has been vocal about their opposition to the Green's Child Allowance plans, which include a new agency for implementation, within the current legislative period.

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